Light at the end of the o2 support tunnel

o2 (of fame) has to be, in my experience, one of the worst companies I have ever had the misfortune to have to deal with.

I am just coming to the end of a long battle with their idiotic customer service departments and proceedures regarding a refund for a phone I was sent in error and promptly returned. As reward for me promptly returning this phone in accordance with their proceedures they decided to charge me twice for the phone. I have spent nearly a month trying to get a refund for these charges. Each time I am promised it will be resolved and each time it fails to be resolved.

I am still at this time awaiting the final part of the refund but have been assured today, by John in team 109, that the bank credit was made to my account today and so I should see this in my account any day now.

Finally the end is in sight. Or is it?

Get these bugs off my desk

More and more the focus of support departments and software maintainers seems to be how to reduce their call count count rather than actually find the correct solution to the problem being reported.

Few seem interested in the right solution these days, the only thing that matters is their call counts. Performance should not be measured in the number of open calls, or the number of calls closed. Performance should be measured based on the number of solutions provided.

WONTFIX and NOTABUG are too often used to mean OFFMYDESK